EMEC2009 – Mine Field Trip in Central Finland


It is a pleasure to invite the Major Students of the Laboratory of Process Control and Automation to the field trip organized in collaboration with the European Mineral Engineering Course on May 2009.

This field trip will provide you the opportunity to visit different big mines in the central part of Finland. It will include visits to the following mines:

- Kemira – Yara in Siilinjärvi (to be confirmed)
- Talvivaara Mine in Tuhkakylä (http://www.talvivaara.com/home)
- Mondo Minerals in Sotkamo (http://www.mondominerals.com/)
- Pyhäsalmi Mine in Pyhäsalmi (http://www.inmetmining.com/)

The excursion is planned from May 6, until May 8, 2009 (a detailed schedule will be available later on this page). The travel expenses (/breakfast/lunch/dinner and accommodation) will be covered by the Laboratory of Process Control and Automation.
Major students can receive 2cr from the trip attendance.

Take the opportunity to come familiar one branch of the Finnish process industry!

Register for the trip here.


             This info last modified 2009-04-07 by Jerri Kämpe-Hellenius