
Exam info

Information about KE-90 exams, assignments, homeworks and extra points

New scheduling for the exams!

The quantitity of the exams will be reduced by the request of department. New scheduling of the exams:

KE-90.2100 Prosessiautomaation perusteet X   X     X       X
KE-90.2110 Prosessiteollisuuden mittaukset X       X     X    
KE-90.2500 Basics in production planning and control X         X       X
KE-90.3100 Process Modelling and Simulation         X     X   X
* computer exam         X         X
KE-90.3500 Process modelling and simulation in practice                    
KE-90.4100 Production planning in practice                    
KE-90.4510 Control applications in process industries X             X    
KE-90.4600 Process Automation project work X                 X
KE-90.5120 Process Monitoring Methods     X     X        

Here P1 - P4 means teaching perioid I-IV, MAR-MAY means the corresponding exam period. The course teaching perioid is marked with yellow color. Courses with no exam are marked with grey color.

The Exams are marked with X on the corresponding exam perioid column. For example with the course KE-90.2100 there will be exams on August, November, January and May exam perioids. On request with good explanations and reasons additional exams may be arranged.

All questions about the exams are to be addressed to the assistant of the course.


Examination time is 4 hours with the exception of the 2 hour Matlab exams for course KE-90.3100 Process Modelling and Simulation


Grade % Points
5 92 - 100 23 - 25
4 80 - 92 20 - 23
3 68 - 80 17 - 20
2 56 - 68 14 - 17
1 44 - 56 11- 14

Material and general information

  • Only the official examination papers are used and all the given papers must be returned when leaving the examination. In computer examinations you must return the given diskette as well, even if it is empty. 
  • It is not allowed to use graphical calculators in exams.
  • Register to the exams in WebOodi.
  • When taking a computer exam, check that you have a valid user account and windows password set at HUT's Computer Center.
  • You can use the book: Virkkunen - Säätötekniikan matematiikkaa in all of laboratory's exams EXCEPT the course KE-90.2110 Prosessiteollisuuden mittaukset. In some courses you can also use other material specified in the next table

    KE-90.2100 Prosessiautomaation perusteet LZS
    KE-90.3100 Process Modelling and Simulation LZS
    KE-90.4510 Control applications in process industries LZS
    Kem-90.173 Control and Information Systems in Pulp and Paper Industry A  LZS
    Kem-90.175 Control and Information Systems in Pulp and Paper Industry B  LZS

    Handout LZS includes Laplace- and z-transfer formulas and pictures of Simulink blocks.
    Handout TKJ includes distribution tables for statistical experiment design


    Assignments, homework and extra points

    - All assignments, homeworks and extra points are valid for ONE year. So you have 2-4 opportunities to take the course's examination and after that you have to take the whole course again. You can see the amount of exams in the table above.

    - All assignments, homeworks, and other extra point works are to be returned in paper to the course assistant. NO e-mail submissions unless noted otherwise.